Welcome to AlMaghrib Columbus

Qabeelet Mujaddad

students greeting eachother

Volunteer, Study, Grow

Revive your love of knowledge

The volunteers of Qabeelat Mujaddad are honored to facilitate a connection between the Central Ohio Muslim community and the teachers and scholars of AlMaghrib Institute. With onsite, online and virtual live offerings, studying authentic Islam from qualified teachers has never been easier. 

May Allah reward you for your generous support. We have been able to offer thousands of dollars in scholarship support to our students over the years. It is our goal to never to turn anyone away due to financial concerns. 

Thanks for your support


Curious about how to get involved? Need information about an upcoming class? Find us on social media, or use the link to get in touch!

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Qabeelat Mujaddad

OUR Story

Formerly known as Qabeelat Hayl, AlMaghrib in Columbus began in 2005 and was active for six years. Subsequently, we took almost a decade-long hiatus that was filled with travel to neighboring cities due to a thirst of knowledge and the AlMaghrib experience. Praise be to Allah, AlMaghrib in Columbus was revived in 2018 as Qabeelat Mujaddad and was reintroduced to Columbus through the seminar “Beautiful Patience” with Sh. Abdulbary Yahya! Since then, we have hosted multiple seminars and partnered with many local mosques and Islamic organizations. We look forward to continuing to expand access to scholarship and the culture of learning in central Ohio and beyond – may Allah purify our intentions and accept our efforts.